A Bit More

Who we are


WhoFailsWins is the brainchild of a few people who have–despite being serial FAILURES–done good. We’ve failed more than we’ve succeeded and are, nonetheless, relatively happy. Moreover, much of our success is a result of our failures, which is confusing because we grew up believing that failure is the antithesis of success and the very thing that causes misery…

It got us thinking–what role does failure really play in our lives?


What we want


We’d like you to share a story about failure that has–for better or worse–left a lasting impression on you. 

The plan is to collect as many fail stories as we can, with the first milestone being a 100 stories. Once we have a 100 stories we’ll go live, but until then submissions will be kept secret. The reason for this is that we don’t want to influence you with the stories we’ve already collected, but rather we want to see what failure really means to you.


We welcome you to share your stories, support and feedback. You can submit your story here, or you can leave encouraging and/or abusive comments here.